Our Program
Our mesivta offers a classic curriculum with innovative inspiration.
Limudei Kodesh
- Emphasis on fostering skills critical for independent study in Gemara, Rishonim and Meforshim
- We teach the standard yeshiva limudim with an additional focus on Chumash, Navi, Halacha, Biur Tefila, Mussar and Hashkafa
- Our “Master the Mesechta” program incentivizes and encourages extra chazara and mastery of the gemara
- A program that is crafted to prepare our talmidim to get into the yeshiva of their choice
- Differentiated instruction that appreciates different learning styles

General Studies

- A serious and engaging program that culminates with a diploma in accordance with the laws of the Maryland State Department of Education and prepares our students for future academic and professional goals
- Exploration of Nifla’os Ha’borei through our broad science studies
- Desire to build a valuable proficiency in oral and written communications
- Focus on identifying Yad Hashem in our Emuna-building history lessons
- A modern, blended math program utilizing a highly acclaimed computer system from McGraw Hill Education that encourages real skill building and allows students to work at many different levels
- A personal finance and career planning curriculum that teaches budgeting and how to formulate appropriate financial goals and decisions
- An impressive computer science program where students are taught programming & web development
Extra Curricular Programs
At Toras Chaim we tend to the overall well-being of every student by catering to the academic, emotional, and physical health of each bochur. To this end, we built an exciting school-wide extracurricular program. Our programs are designed to build character, camaraderie, leadership and promote physical fitness while complementing the mental acrobatics of learning in yeshiva. The energy and excitement in our wholesome extracurricular programs provide an excellent outlet and forum to experience great group fun while building important life skills.

Students enjoy learning creative skills while using professional software on our new Apple workstations: from graphic design to sound & video editing, storyboarding & script writing, production set design and acting. The yeshiva recruits experts in the industry to meet with each group of students to help guide their projects.
The construction crew learns valuable skills through various hands-on projects, led by experienced builders. In fact, our Beis Medrash’s bima was built by our students.
A professional archery instructor coaches our talmidim on our private, on-site archery range. Our students develop their skills using compound bows and field arrows, with an eye towards participating in state-wide competitions.
Our calendar is infused with many exciting trips and activities such as shabbatons, camping trips, sports activities, ropes courses, canoe trips, Thursday night mishmar, Friday night onegs, melava malka programs, and team building & leadership development activities.
Yeshiva minyanim on Friday night and Shabbos day feature singing, inspiring davening, and an excellent kiddush! Fun and uplifting Friday night onegs, Shalosh Seudos, and motzei shabbos programs build camaraderie and develop the rebbi-talmid relationship.
Not only does our Thursday night mishmar feature a cholent made by our talented students, but we also have regular student run barbecues and other culinary projects.
Harnessing Technology
At Toras Chaim, we are committed to giving our talmidim every advantage by utilizing all effective tools and methodologies.

Our blended math program utilizes a highly acclaimed math assessment and practice program licensed from McGraw Hill Education. Students are regularly assessed, and the system generates practice problems that are appropriately challenging for their level. Combined with the expert instruction of our master teachers, we aim for mastery and skills over moving students from one unit to the next.
Every talmid has access to his own Chromebook which is carefully secured and monitored. Many talmidim use the Chromebooks for notetaking, making it easy and more exciting to take good notes and stay organized. The Chromebooks only allow access to the educational tools that we provide, such as the McGraw Hill math program, Quizlet, Google Docs and our online grading system.
Using Quizlet, our students have access to fun and effective review tools and flashcard programs.
Our English teachers use Google Docs for real-time commenting and suggestions for writing assignments. This creates a smooth, interactive revision process – which is the most crucial step in developing writing skills.
As part of our commitment to working in partnership with the parents of our talmidim, the limudei kodesh and general studies staff uses a modern online grading and attendance system. This robust system allows parents and students to stay apprised of grades and attendance in real-time. It also helps the hanhala more rapidly identify patterns in the yeshiva as a whole, for specific classes and in an individual student’s progress.
Computer Science skills are encouraged at Yeshivas Toras Chaim on a level that provides real preparation for a profession in IT. Many of the tools and programs utilized in our computer science program are also offered to other students for enrichment.
Individualized Growth Program
Together with each talmid, we identify an area where he is ready to grow. We track his progress and celebrate his success! Every talmid can earn substantial trips and rewards by meeting the individualized goals in his program. It may be learning an extra seder, working a little harder in a certain class, starting sh’nayim mikra, something in bein adam le’chaveiro, or anything else that he is ready for.

We live in a beautiful and vibrant world of yeshivos that continue the crucial work of Klal Yisroel’s great institutions throughout the ages. Yeshivas Toras Chaim proudly shares their noble mission to engender a love of Torah learning within the next generation; we teach our talmidim to appreciate how learning molds their minds, strengthens their moral compass, guides their lives and serves as the foundation & spark for their relationship with Hashem. Talmidim learn the skills necessary to delight in the Torah’s infinite depth and traverse its life-encompassing breadth. more>>